Monday, December 9, 2019

My High School Experience free essay sample

The History of Gospel Music. Introduction The History of Gospel Music Gospel music is a Christian musical genre. Christian music in other forms is the creation, performance, significance and the significant thing about gospel music is the varies according to the culture and the social context of it. The objectives of it is the stylistic orgins, cultural orgins, Typical instruments, mainstream popularity, nd the derivative forms of gospel music. Gospel music is a Christian musical thing that people became famous for because it comes from your heart. Gospel music have been composed and performed for many sapient purposes. People endeavorly went on to do big things in the gospel music industry. The purposes included, aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, and as an entertainment product for its marketplace. The Style of Gospel Music The style of gospel music in general is characterized in dominant vocals but it is very often used with strong and sapient use of harmony referencing lyrics of a Christian nature. I started off school with a horrible attitude because my parents sent me to a different school. They sent me to a school where I knew about two people, I was so angry at my parents that I decided to rebel until they would transfer me to Eastlake. When I went back to Eastlake everything was good again, I made new friends and I even had a boyfriend. My priorities were never really about school or getting good grades, it was always about my friends and my boyfriend. I would ditch on a daily basis just to spend more time with them even if we didn’t really do anything exciting, just as long as I didn’t have to be bored in a classroom. My ditching got so bad it got to the point where my teachers didn’t even know my name, or they thought I transferred out of their class. As a result to all this ditching, I had horrible grades and I was way behind on my credits. I regret ditching because I ruined my chances of going to a university; instead I’m going to a community college. I realize now that I ditched for no reason at all, it was a waste of my time. I look back and think that ditching is just so ridiculous, there really is no point to it unless you want to ruin your future. Remember how I said I learned what the words family, love and betrayal meant? Well, in my situation they sort of all happened together. My freshmen and sophomore year, I had my first real boyfriend. I was completely and totally in love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I’m proud of and ways that I’m not proud of. I revolved my world around him, which wasn’t a good idea. After almost two years of dating, we broke up and it literally shattered my world. During our relationship I became friends with his friends and I even considered one of them my best friends, so when we broke up I didn’t only loose him, I lost all of them as well. It felt so awful to all of a sudden have everything, and then just lose everything in a day. A couple of weeks later, I found out that my best friend was actually dating my ex boyfriend. I couldn’t believe that a person could betray someone like that, especially after everything that she and I went through together. I’m not proud of the events that happened after all of this, and I’m not proud of how I let them change me. The one thing that saved me was my family; they saved me in ways I can’t even explain. They gave me hope and a new life for me that I am extremely grateful for. I’ve learned to be wiser when it comes to picking friends, and choosing who to put my trust in. I also became a stronger person, I don’t let people walk all over me or I don’t let people control my life anymore. The last event is the one that taught me the most about how hard life is, and how life isn’t always fair. My junior year was spent in Tijuana, I would go every weekend to hang out with my cousins and now I have a good life over there. I was never considered a bad kid or a bad influence to other people but everyone goes off course at some point in their life, well mine was spending the night in jail. I could honestly say that I didn’t do anything to deserve being there, except just being at the wrong place with the wrong people. It was really tough to see the disappointment in my parents faces when they saw me in there, it’s probably the worst place for your parents to see you in. I felt helpless because even though I committed no crime, I was still treated as if I did and it was just an awful experience to go through. After I got out, I decided to leave all those friends behind because they didn’t do me any good except get me in trouble. I learned the hard way that people can bring you down, even if you don’t expect it. Throughout my four years of high school I learned to not follow the crowd, even if it may seem extremely cool at the time. I do regret the things I did, but in a way I’m glad for the lessons I could take from them. All of these events made me a stronger person, and I’ve learned what right and wrong is. My parents and I had a rocky four years, I put them through so much disappointment and stress but in the end, I finally became the good daughter. I don’t disrespect them anymore, I care about school, and I’m glad to say that I haven’t disappointed them in a very long time. I think it’s amazing how much a person can grow and transform into something they never thought they would be. I’m looking forward to graduating and proving all the people that looked down on me wrong, it’s going to be an amazing feeling. These four years are only the beginning, they couldn’t have been my best years because my life is not even close to being over, I’m going to learn so many more things and have even better memories.

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